Håfa Adai and Tirow!
Welcome to the CNMI Workforce Investment Agency Website

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Adult Program provides eligible individuals 18 years and older access to a wide range of workforce investment activities that increase employment, retention, earnings, and occupational skill attainment which improves the quality of the workforce reduces public assistance dependency and enhances the productivity and competitiveness of the economy.

WIOA establishes priority requirements for adult employment and training activities for recipients of public assistance, other low-income individuals, and individuals who are basic skills deficient.

julie ann cayubit

Julie Ann Cayubit

Ms. Julie Ann Cayubit’s employment in 2020 was adversely affected by the ripple effects of COVID-19 Pandemic. Her hours were reduced and eventually dislocated. She was a single mom with 7-month-old baby residing with her mother. During assessment and planning it was found that she did have a lot of transferrable skills and a great temporary fit would be with the Commonwealth Healthcare Corporation (CHCC) as a Security/Screener for the COVID-19 Taskforce. She eventually resigned from this post only after learning she was hired permanently. Here is her story.

"I heard about WIA from online platforms. Before I found out about WIA the work that I have been doing was very limited and minimum wage, which was hard because I had to pay my own school at that time. WIA became my stepping stone to improving my skills and experience because of the program they are offering to the community. If not for WIA I would still be working with my minimum wage and struggling to keep up with my payments. I would refer WIA to my friends and families to help them get better opportunities. I am currently working as Phlebotomist in CHCC LABORATORY. I get to work with the doctors and nurses that enhances my skill. I am living in a very affordable house and paying my bills on time. After being hired in CHCC I crave more knowledge and inspired to go back to school and continue my ASN. Always grateful for you [WIA]."

Although the lab in CHCC is busy these days with COVID-19 testing, you can expect to see Julie report to work. Her patience and tenacity to keep one foot in front of the other is a great display of strength and hope. The National Dislocated Worker Program has provided people like Julie a second chance to survive the Pandemic.

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